Youth Empowerment is about opening up new spaces, where young people are taken seriously, where it is allowed to make mistakes and where they are able to take over responsibilities. It is also about learning from each other and creating profound relationships between adults and youngsters.

Opening up these kind of spaces usually open up the minds of the involved persons as well, and enables us to see the world around us with new eyes and filled with opportunities. This is the basis for entrepreneurial thinking and acting that helps youngsters and adults to exploit an opportunity, change the game (a bit), and gather resources needed.


About the website.

The Project website is prepared in order to disseminate the project results, as well as create a space for youth workers and practitioners, where they can discuss youth work and its current challenges. This is also a platform for exchanging views and experiences with other colleagues and practitioners.


Photo credit: Plattform e.V. Participants are discussing empowerment methods at the Conference in Weimar


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